How long does an appointment take?

Your first appointment will likely be 40 minutes, with repeat consultation appointments ranging from 15 minutes to 30 minutes depending on your needs.

What Can I expect at the first visit?

We will review your medical history, current and past medications, lifestyle habits, and other health issues such as sleep disturbances and stress, as these can also contribute to your wellbeing. We will come up with some strategies to get you started that work for you, and these might include changes to your way of eating, or changes to your medications if applicable. We involve you in every step of the way, and provide you with support to succeed with your goals.


Is this covered by Alberta health?

Yes, our services are currently covered by Alberta Health. All you need is a valid Alberta Health Card and a referral from your primary care physician to be eligible.


Will I see any medical students or resiDents as part of my visit?

You might! Dr Marsha Kucera is a Clinical Teacher with the Cumming School of Medicine, University of Calgary, and she will have learners with her on occasion when seeing patients. Her goal is to increase education of Obesity and Metabolic syndrome assessment and management with students so that they can carry this information forward in their own medical practices. If you’re not comfortable with seeing learners as part of your visit, that’s okay too.

Any other questions?

Please contact the staff at our office, or book an appointment to learn more information about what we do.

Contact info@careandcuremedical.ca for information about booking.